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A bad girl, and put out at the drop of a hat, or zipper as some of the more nosy gossips would say.But it was Friday night, and Carla did not care. She had to rush home and get herself ready because tonight Bill was picking her up. Bill, who was an architectural student, lived on the good side of Ventura Boulevard. He was a clean-cut k**, a WASP, and was second-string quarterback for the Brahmas. But he also had a car, a 1955 Pontiac Skychief. And that night he had promised to take her to one of the hottest new places in town, the Tonga Hut. And Carla had promised that in return, she would make sure that Bill had a good time that night. After all, why else would a fancy rich WASP offer to take some half Mexican gal from the barrio of Pacoima out on a date?Oh yes, Carla was a good girl, and they always returned home satisfied. Just not in the way that the gossips implied.As she sat on her chair in front of the mirror on her dresser, she was braiding her hair as she pondered what would. Their expressions begin to settle into a range of grim determination to outright fear.NOTE TO READERS:-If you enjoy the story, be sure to click the star at the bottom of this page. This lets me know that people are enjoying the story.-If you like specific pages of this story, please click the thumbs up button on those pages, this lets me know which pages people like best, and I can hopefully use that knowledge to become a better author and write more of what you enjoy.-If/When you decide to leave feedback for an author, think of it this way: Writers LIVE for words of encouragement, "Thumbs Up" "Favorites" and other forms of positive feedback. Its like crack for writers, we'd sell our own mothers for a good hit. Alternately, comments that are negative without anything constructive to contribute, or a "Thumbs Down" is like a bad trip, many authors will become discouraged, or give up entirely in the face of this kind of feedback. So when you're leaving feedback, keep this in.
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